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LibKey Nomad: Using Nomad

How to use and install the browser add-on LibKey Nomad, which analyzes your searches on the web and connects to your library's resources, such as article databases and ebooks.


On sites such as Amazon, you will see a LibKey Nomad button in the lower right corner if the Library has access to the eBook. 

Publisher Sites

On publisher sites such as Wiley, you will see a LibKey Nomad button in the lower right corner that provides a link to download the PDF through the University Library. If the full text is not available through University Library subscriptions, you will see an "Access Options" button that will enable you to make an ILL request.

Google Scholar

With the Nomad installed, you will automatically be affiliated with Saint Paul College when you search Google Scholar. 


LibKey Nomad behaves much the same way in PubMed, except you may also see links to complete journal issues, not just articles. You can then browse the table of contents for the issue the article appears in, increasing the chance that you will discover similar articles in the same publication.

PubMed search results with LibKey Nomad options


Nomad link boxes will appear next to citations that have full-text articles in our databases.

LibKey links in Wikipedia entries:



What do the LibKey labels mean?

Article Link - takes you directly to the article link on a database, where you would be able to view the full text in either PDF or HTML format.

Download PDF - a direct PDF download of the article. The PDF document is coming directly from the publisher or their version held in a repository such as PubMed Central or a college/university.

Manuscript PDF - this will lead you to an Accepted Manuscript held in a repository, meaning this version of the article has been peer-reviewed but is not formatted for publishing.
Manuscript Link - Same as Manuscript PDF, except one more click is required to get to the PDF (if available).

Access Options - this may lead you to a publisher's webpage or to an item result in our catalog but our subscription does not cover the journal or issue. If the full text is not available from Saint Paul College, you can request it through interlibrary loan and have it sent as an electronic or paper copy.