Abstract: A summary of the article. Abstracts are very common in peer-reviewed articles.
Bibliography: A generic term for your list of references. In MLA, a bibliography is a Works Cited.
Call Number: A call number is the shelving location of a print item. Saint Paul College Library uses Library of Congress call numbers, which look like: HD7287.96.U6 D47 2016 or QE523.L25 W57 2015
Catalog: A library catalog is a searchable index of all the library books, DVDs, CDs and other physical materials the library owns. The item records have information about the books, including a summary and publication date.
Citations: Citations tell readers where quotes, paraphrases, and data come from. There are many citation styles, such as MLA. Citations have two parts: in-text and the full reference at the end of the document.
Database: A place where articles and other information are stored. Academic Search Premier and Proquest Newspapers are examples of databases.
Journals: In libraries, journals usually refers to academic and research journals that are peer-reviewed.
Keywords: Main idea words that are helpful for database searches.
Limiters: Also called filters, limiters are categories in databases that can narrow searches by date, article type, subject and more. This is similar to searching in Amazon
Multidisciplinary: Contains information from many disciplines or subjects, such as English, biology, math, nursing, earth science, history or chemistry.
OneSearch: OneSearch is Saint Paul College Library's unified search system. It searches all library databases and the library catalog.
Peer-review: Articles that are written and reviewed by academics (professors) and researchers (scientists, historians, statisticians, etc). The peer-reviewers are experts in the field the article is about.
Research Guide: A finding aid for particular topics or classes. It has lists of databases and places to get help with research. Find SPC research guides on the main page of the library site.