To evaluate information means to recognize whether or not the information you've found is credible. You already make these evaluations every day, by asking a friend who likes camping where you should go for the weekend, or by watching the meteorologist on the morning news who you think gives the most accurate forecast. Perhaps without realizing it, you are constantly making decisions about what (and whose) information you find useful. This guide will show you how to break down that decision-making process and use it to evaluate new information both inside and outside of the classroom.
Learning to properly evaluate information not only saves you time and effort in research, it allows you to more effectively engage with the world around you. It allows you to see information in context: to think critically about the source and purpose of information, and to consider how it interacts with ideas and facts you already know.
One of the greatest things about the internet is that anyone can make a website, and one of the most challenging things about the internet is that anyone can make a website! It can be hard to tell if a website is trustworthy, or "authoritative."
When it comes to determining if a website is authoritative, think of it as permission to be the nosy little kid you've always wanted to be. Keep asking "why?" and "says who?" until you get an answer that makes sense to you.
Start by looking for the page author’s qualifications—do they have expertise in the subject matter? Next, check the domain; sites ending in .edu or .gov often indicate reliable sources. Also, consider the organization behind the website—are they well-known and respected in their field? Look for signs of peer review or editorial oversight, which can boost credibility. Does it feel like the website wants something from you (money, to be shared on social media, etc.?) Finally, see if the site is frequently updated and linked to by other reputable sources. By playing detective with these clues, you can confidently choose trustworthy websites for your research!
Below, you'll learn how each of these elements contributes to source evaluation.
Why? | Questions to ask yourself: | |
Currency | To determine if the date of publication is recent enough for your research. |
Relevance | To determine if this information will be beneficial to your research. |
Authority | To determine if the creator of the information has the knowledge and experience necessary to write about this subject in this specific context. |
Accuracy | To determine whether or not the information provided is supported by evidence. |
Purpose | To determine why this information was created, why the data were compiled, or why this story is being told. |